specific services

Accounting for not-for-profit organizations (NPOs i.e. Belgian ASBL)

Professional, cultural and sports NPOs are also economic entities with specific management needs.

They have income, significant fixed and variable costs, and they employ staff. They are enterprises with their own way of functioning and specific rationales. Whether for dashboards, project reporting or treasury, managers need to closely monitor how their NPO is doing.

Costmasters provides such needs and knows how to meet them whether for small, medium-sized or large NPOs. Our team members provide NPOs with top-notch accounting and tax support (VAT) to ease the administrative and financial load of NPO professionals.

Would you like to strengthen the accounting or financial management of your NPO?
Do you wish to lighten your accounting and financial load or improve your reporting tools?

specific services

Accounting for not-for-profit organizations (NPOs i.e. Belgian ASBL)

Professional, cultural and sports NPOs are also economic entities with specific management needs.

They have income, significant fixed and variable costs, and they employ staff. They are enterprises with their own way of functioning and specific rationales. Whether for dashboards, project reporting or treasury, managers need to closely monitor how their NPO is doing.

Costmasters provides such needs and knows how to meet them whether for small, medium-sized or large NPOs. Our team members provide NPOs with top-notch accounting and tax support (VAT) to ease the administrative and financial load of NPO professionals.

Would you like to strengthen the accounting or financial management of your NPO?
Do you wish to lighten your accounting and financial load or improve your reporting tools?

Lawyers, Service Providers




Taxation of law firms and other service providers requires a personalized approach based on individual goals and strategies.

Each situation is specific, so don't hesitate to contact us for an accounting and tax diagnosis.


Construction and Real Estate

There are numerous construction and real estate companies in Belgium, focusing either on construction or renovation. The saying goes that "Belgians have a brick in their stomach"! It is true that Belgians often build their real estate assets with the help of specialized companies. While they may have real estate in common, these two categories of firms have different approaches and modes of operation. 

For construction companies, worksite management is vital and per-site profitability is essential. For real estate companies, it's tax advice that matters so that the assets grow optimally over the short and long term. We work with several construction and real estate companies, focusing on property or finance. At Costmasters, we identify and meet these entrepreneurs' needs, and we stay in close contact with them.

Lawyers, Service Providers

Taxation of law firms and other service providers requires a personalized approach based on individual goals and strategies.

Each situation is specific, so don't hesitate to contact us for an accounting and tax diagnosis.


Construction and Real Estate

There are numerous construction and real estate companies in Belgium, focusing either on construction or renovation. The saying goes that "Belgians have a brick in their stomach"! It is true that Belgians often build their real estate assets with the help of specialized companies. While they may have real estate in common, these two categories of firms have different approaches and modes of operation. 

For construction companies, worksite management is vital and per-site profitability is essential. For real estate companies, it's tax advice that matters so that the assets grow optimally over the short and long term. We work with several construction and real estate companies, focusing on property or finance. At Costmasters, we identify and meet these entrepreneurs' needs, and we stay in close contact with them.

Accountancy serving

When a conflict between shareholders or weakness in the board of directors slows the operation of a company, accounting and tax obligations are often the first things to get sidelined.
Problems arise one after the other, fines and penalties pile up, and the infernal spiral begins, all to the detriment of the company.

Preserving everyone's interests
A court can appoint a temporary administrator to replace the management body, or a legal representative to act where possible in concert with the shareholders and their lawyers, in order to protect the interests of all.

Stop the bleeding
Its primary mission is to put the company on track to stop the damages and the cash-drain. Depending on the assignment, and always under court supervision, the judicial administrator or legal representative may limit him- or herself to overseeing that the company is in compliance with all accounting, tax and legal obligations.

Accountancy serving

When a conflict between shareholders or weakness in the board of directors slows the operation of a company, accounting and tax obligations are often the first things to get sidelined.
Problems arise one after the other, fines and penalties pile up, and the infernal spiral begins, all to the detriment of the company.

Preserving everyone's interests
A court can appoint a temporary administrator to replace the management body, or a legal representative to act where possible in concert with the shareholders and their lawyers, in order to protect the interests of all.

Stop the bleeding
Its primary mission is to put the company on track to stop the damages and the cash-drain. Depending on the assignment, and always under court supervision, the judicial administrator or legal representative may limit him- or herself to overseeing that the company is in compliance with all accounting, tax and legal obligations.

Why choose Costmasters?

Costmasters has provided accounting and tax services for nearly 30 years. We help SMEs and NPOs meet their accounting and tax obligations.
We adapt our services to enterprises (whether for-profit or not-for-profit organizations), on the basis of their sector and specificities.
In addition to these missions, we provide managers with regular or one-off advice to help them strengthen their management and achieve their goals.

Why choose Costmasters?

Costmasters has provided accounting and tax services for nearly 30 years. We help SMEs and NPOs meet their accounting and tax obligations.
We adapt our services to enterprises (whether for-profit or not-for-profit organizations), on the basis of their sector and specificities.
In addition to these missions, we provide managers with regular or one-off advice to help them strengthen their management and achieve their goals.

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